At-Home Lice Treatment Kit | Round Rock TX
We're delighted to offer Round Rock residents At-Home Lice Treatment options. If you live in or around Round Rock and you haven't experienced the panic of a head lice infestation on you or a family member, there's a great chance that sometime in the future you will. Lice seems to thrive in this part of Texas and it's really only a matter of time that you may be scratching your head trying to figure out how to get rid of it.
At LiceWits we understand Texas lice and how to treat it. Our natural remedies for lice have been used to successfully treat thousands of head lice infestations and we've been told by countless people it's the best head lice treatment on the market.
As you may be aware, there are all sorts of gimmicky claims and OTC treatment options on the market. Rid, Nix, Hair Dye, Olive Oil, and Electric Lice Combs have all had their time in the spotlight. At 50% proven effectiveness, these ineffective and pesticide based products are almost always more trouble than they are worth. We're thrilled and delighted to offer you the lice cure.
Lice Treatment Options
Most Popular: Do-It-Yourself Lice Treatment Kit
Each LiceWits DIY Treatment Kit includes:
Lice Terminator Gel
Lice and Egg Comb-Out Mousse
The Best Nit Comb on the Planet (We're Serious)
Head Lice Prevention
The absolute best lice treatment you can give yourself is to prevent lice from happening in the first place. We have a wide array of lice prevention products for every budget. Our most popular items include a lice prevention shampoo and a lice prevention spray that act as a shield and repellent to the stingiest of crawlers.
Round Rock Lice Clinic
If you live in Williamson or Bell County, the fastest way to get rid of lice is to visit a certified and professional lice removal clinic. We endorse Hero Lice Clinics in Round Rock TX as a lice removal clinic that is more than capable of providing you and your family with guaranteed and effective lice removal. Each treatment takes about 60-90 Minutes, is backed by a 30 day guarantee, and they offer free family head checks with treatment. They're located at 22 Chisholm Trail, Round Rock, TX 78681 at the corner of Sam Bass and Chisholm Trail.